Equality and Diversity rights and responsibilities are enshrined in law (the Equality Act 2010) and are clearly important in the creation and maintenance of a harmonious society and working environment. KnowledgeBrief (KB) are committed to treating everyone fairly, we respect and value the diversity of our learners, clients, employees, suppliers, partners, employers and all other people we work with.
KnowledgeBrief has a positive, outcome-based view of equality, diversity and inclusion (ED&I). The legal and moral drivers for ED&I are clear. Yet, there are also very positive business benefit drivers for ED&I. Our research into high performing organisations and across the services we provide, is that ED&I are essential conditions for effective business innovation and change. We see the real benefits that multiple perspectives bring to problem solving and ideation. We have learnt that advanced organisations actively design teams to feature ED&I so that they function effectively through the innovation lifecycle – and far better than teams that do not. We understand the role of ED&I in the development and sustaining of a vibrant and high potential culture of innovation.
Multiple sources and many our clients note that effective 21st Century leadership is defined by openness, collaboration and engagement, with organisational forms emerging to suit this less hierarchical, control-focused way of working. ED&I, drawing on all the talents, is again a feature of today’s open, future- & change-focused leaders. At the same time, many organisations see talent attraction, development and retention as a critical component of great performance and, where sought, competitive advantage. The lack of ED&I is now more widely recognised as a serious detriment to organisational health. KnowledgeBrief’s own experience in this field is positive. From the beginning, the company’s founders have actively recruited people with diverse backgrounds to create an international, inclusive and diverse organisation that lives innovation as a core value. We believe in ED&I not least because it works for us.
We will strive to ensure that learning and recruitment opportunities are available to all. No individual will be excluded from a learning or recruitment opportunity on the grounds of their age, disability, sex, gender identity, race or ethnicity, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief, or marriage and civil partnership.
This policy applies to:
We will:
Disclosure and additional support provisions
Before starting and during learning/employment, individuals will be given opportunity (in confidence) to disclose any disability or learning difficulty they may have. This is to ensure we put in place additional or alternative support. We will explain why this information is being sought and how it will be used.
Where a learner or employee declares a disability, reasonable steps will be taken to accommodate this by making reasonable adjustments. In circumstances where this is not possible, we will identify alternative options/provision.
Induction and Equality Training
All individuals will receive an induction into their learning/employment and working environment. We will make everyone aware of our commitment to equality and diversity, and how to make us aware of any dissatisfaction or concern.
Learning and Working Environment
We are committed to creating open and conducive learning and working environments where everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. We are opposed to and will not tolerate any form of bullying, harassment or unacceptable behaviour. We will ensure all individuals have clear routes to report incidents and/or concerns and for these to be managed fairly and fully.
All KB people are expected to:
Complaints / Grievances
We will make all individuals aware of the steps to follow should they wish to raise a concern, grievance or make a complaint. We will aim to resolve any concerns or problems as quickly as possible and if we cannot resolve it, we will explain why and say what we can do.
If you wish to make a complaint or raise a concern of unlawful discrimination, bullying, harassment and/or unacceptable behaviour by a KnowledgeBrief employee, you should contact the HR department.
Sources and Further Reading
Equality Act 2010
Equality and Human Rights Commission
Relevant KB Policies and Documents
Diversity & Inclusion Strategy 2021-22
Bullying & Harassment Policy
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Grievance Procedure
Health & Safety Policy
Recruitment Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
KB Policy For Equality & Diversity v1.4, 03/02/2021